Monday, August 30, 2010

Assisted Work: Danville Benches

Rachel Rodi is a professional mosaic artist and an instructor at IMA Rachel taught the Mosaics 101 week-long class I attended. Rachel and I had been talking during the classes and I not-so-subtly hinted at how much I was enjoying this work and that I wanted to learn more about the business side and the lives of mosaic artists. I was elated when Rachel asked me if I wanted to apprentice with her! I immediately accepted and started right away. This is the first project I worked on with Rachel. The pieces here are for benches in Danville. Rachel did all of the designs based on photographs of the old train station provided by the client. You can read more about Rachel Rodi and this project on her website.

What I got to work on was filling in pieces of the sky, grass and ground. What we are doing is gluing the tile to mesh that will later be installed in pieces on-site. This is common method used by mosaic artists because it allows them to work in a studio until its ready for installation and grouting.

I feel so lucky that I get to have this experience working with Rachel. She is such a fabulous person and I look forward to going to her studio every chance I get. Rachel is a talented artist and I encourage anyone to visit her site and see her work!

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