Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Assisted Work: Oakland Firehouse Completed

Rachel Rodi assisted with the creation of the Oakland firehouse mural, directed by professional artists Laurel True of True Mosaics Studio. I assisted Rachel Rodi working on pieces of the red background. If you look closely you can see there are different shades of red which is a subtle, but easy way to create variance.
How did they get that photograph on the tiles? That was my first question when I saw the tiles at Rachel's studio. What a cool way to display a photograph or picture. It reminds me of designers who will make wall-paper from old family photos. Why not take the same idea and apply it to tiles? You can order tiles specialty made. I am asking where or how to order them so stay tuned.
This is Rachel prepping the the wall where the mural will go. You can see on the ground all the work that was done in the studio beforehand.

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