Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This weekend I was in Boston with friends from college. Emily now lives in Chicago but she also flew to Boston for the weekend so we could all hang out together. Emily was one of the first people I met in Boston during a community service program that went on the week before college officially started. I am so glad we were there on the same weekend and we had a great time reminiscing and reliving our Boston days.

These colors immediately reminded me of Emily. I had a few drawings of owls around my studio from when I was working on something for my sister and so it suddenly came together.

 Once I finished laying the tiles I had to choose a grout color.

 I went with Dolorian Grey.
 And it's done! I love the owl in those colors. I don't think I have ever seen a blue and orange owl but it sure does carry it well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the ceramic pieces you did for the girls - especially Emily's owl - love the colors. You are so lucky to have found something that you are so passionate about. Sounds like you all had a great weekend - we'd love to have you all up to the lake again next summer if you can come to Wisconsin. Kristin Johnson