Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I flew to Boston this weekend and had in mind to give my friends each their own mosaic. I didn't think I would get them done but luckily the girls did not mind the sandy grout (which will go away once it fully dries) and the newspaper wrapping (which I happen to like).

I started this piece the way I have been doing most of my projects, with colors. Danielle wears a lot of cool greys and purples so I immediately thought of her when I picked out this palate

Danielle's was an abstract pieces. There are mirrored, iridescent and marbled glass. While working on this I thought of buildings, windows and landscapes. This is the un-grouted stage.

I went with Dolorian Grey grout color because I did not want anything to take-away from the design. Sometimes it is best to choose a neutral color to bring together a piece.

And it's completed! The girls opened up their mosaics the morning after I flew in, when we were all fully functional and comfortable. Danielle wore a purple shirt :)

Danielle picked me up at 7:30am after I flew in on the red-eye. We parked and immediately stopped for coffee to catch up. It only rained a little on the day I arrived and the day I left. It was such a great trip!

1 comment:

charley said...

Oooh I love Danielle's! Actually I love ALL OF THEM! go Ali!