Monday, September 6, 2010

Completed: Grapefruit

Today I spent the day grouting! This is my finished grapefruit-inspired piece. Can you count how many grapefruit there are? The dark blue tile in the background highlights the grapefruits (the ones not sliced in half revealing it's identity). I chose “concord grape” as the grout color. I had help from Rachel Rodi deciding what would look best and I have to say I am very happy with how it came out.

I would also like to mention that this was my first time grouting anything in my own apartment. I tried my best to cover all the hardwood, sofa and window sills but I somehow still managed to make a mess. Grouting is all about timing. And when it’s hot out and I am using a low-fire tile like this piece, you have to move quick! I had a pair of flip flops I would leave at the door of my workspace so I didn’t have to tread pieces of grout when I ran to-and-from the kitchen sink.

Probably my favorite part about completing a piece is when I get to wipe away all the excess grout from the surface of the tiles to reveal a finished piece! So far all of my projects have been experiments and about trying to figure out what I like best. But right now I am liking everything.

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